Sunday, December 11, 2011

I was getting tired of the orange... I changed the look of this blog in the hopes it would make me post more often.

What's been going on with me lately?

  1. Long hours at work plus my egregiously long commute from the suburbs hasn't left much free time for posting.
  2. Free time I do have is spent hanging with the kids.
  3. Hanging with the kids consist of the NFL package on Sundays, which has allowed me to completely brainwash Edwin into Steelers & Tebow fandom.
  4. Football Sundays mean beer in cans. Yuengling is now sold in Ohio, so there's that. I'm really liking the canned variety.
  5. The 4 items listed above plus less-than-stellar eating habits have led me to pack on a more pounds than I would prefer. I gotta get on track before the caloric assault on my body that is Christmas in Youngstown & Pittsburgh.
  6. Lists are the easiest posts to write, so expect more of them.

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