Sunday, October 21, 2012

Patience = REWARD = Happiness

Edwin got a chore board for his birthday. He decided early on that he would start saving for a lego batcave ($69.99) at Target. He has looked at it EVERYtime we are in the store. He asked me to show it to him online multiple times per week. I'm pretty sure he has dreamed about getting it EVERYnight. Given that the max he can make is $1.50/week and that takes a near perfect week - it would take a lifetime for him to earn enough to purchase it. But, lucky for Edwin...he had received several repeat lego kits for his birthday that I was able to return and I've been saving that giftcard for him to use when the time was right...

Well, TODAY the time was right! We went to Target and Edwin led us to the batcave...he (with Dave's help) carried it proudly all the way to the checkout and handed over his bag full of miscellaneous money - mostly quarters. Needless to say, it was a great afternoon for Edwin!!! and his patience and saving has finally paid off BIGTIME!!!

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

Congratulations, Edwin!!!!