Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer nostalgia

Friday afternoon. Got home from work a little early--in time to help out with dinner for a change. Decide to grill out. Put on some tunes.

(I only barely tolerate expending any of my precious energy on food preparation. And listening to music while I do so is the source of said toleration. Sans music, my toleration devolves into outright contempt.)

Put on the Robyn station on Pandora. Good background music--never disappoints. Well, the content, that is. Sometimes Pandora loads songs a little sluggishly.

Tonight was one of those sometimes. Figure maybe I should put on some music on that doesn't depend on the intermittent strength of the Ross Family Wi-Fi signal.

For some reason(*) I settle on putting my Oasis collection on shuffle. There was a time(**) that pretty much all I listened to was Oasis and things of that ilk(***). But that time is long gone. Nowadays, my tastes are different (****).

(*) Maybe it was my brother's text asking me if he could borrow some of my Oasis CDs to rip to iTunes. Matt, what's the deal? I'm all for it though. The request was just out of the blue.

(**) 1998

(****) This.

But Oasis was a nice change of pace of this cool summer evening. Reds on TV. Pirates on the DirecTV ScoreGuide. Oberon. Life is good.

Then "Slide Away" comes on. Really takes me back. About 12 years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. Driving home from my co-op job downtown back to Clifton via O-T-R, this song pumping in the S-10, and pow, slammed into by your everyday uninsured motorist.

Yeah, that exact moment sucked (pre-cellphone era, mind you), but it brought me back to a simpler time in my life (namely, college.)

Thanks, Mom, for covering the deductible. You never did get paid back for that did you? I wonder what happened to that guy. Speaking of that guy, I still love telling the story of him furiously jumping out of his car after slamming into mine:
Him: That was a left turn there!
Me: Yeah, but you have to yield to oncoming traffic, you realize, right?
Anyway, back to that great Oasis song...

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