Thursday, May 29, 2008


The Rosses of Northern Kentucky have finally embraced the 21st century! We haven’t posted embarrassing college photos on Facebook or formed a 527 group to fund an exploratory committee for Dennis Kucinich’s hopeless yet inevitable 2012 presidential bid. We have, however, started our first attempt at a blog!

The premise is simple. Mindy and I plan to post on a wide array of subjects from our life events (if you haven’t heard, we’re having a kid in a couple weeks) to our opinions on hot button issues of the day (can you believe what [insert public figure here] said/thinks about [insert current event here]?) to celebrity sightings and gossip (does standing behind Ken Broo from Channel 5 at Habanero in Clifton count?). We intend to do this often as we are able (people seem to think that this baby will occupy a significant portion of our time in the near future).

The target audience is you, friends and family that have received this URL either directly from us or through word of mouth. And even though I’m not quite sure how you’d find this, feel free to read about the Rosses of Northern Kentucky until your heart’s content, random internet user.

Not only do we want you to read these posts, we strongly encourage your comments. I picked a blog site that’s affiliated with Google because for many of you that know me well, I strive for every aspect of my life to be synchronized with Google (I’m still waiting Google House Cleaning). So the best way to comment is to set up a Google account and log in with your gmail address and password (though for the time being, we are allowing non-Google users to comment as well). Who knows? A regular commenter that really brings something to the table may be asked to join as a contributor. But for now all original posts will come from Mindy or me.

Let’s see if this grand experiment works out. If it doesn’t, I guess we’ll start gathering donors for that 527!


StratMatt said...


Dave said...

thanks, brother!

Anonymous said...

what in the world is going on?!

Nick Gavey said...


Shouldn't you be learning to change diapers?

brian sowder said...


Weren't you there when Dave said that he wasn't going to change any diapers?

Since I am such good person, I do not agree w/ you on this stand point Dave. I think that you need to man up and change those poopy diapers!

Oh, and being the dirty smoker that I am, I still agree w/ Mindy on the littering problem. No one wants to see cigarette butts laying around every where...its just dirty! So for the rest of you dirt balls out there that do throw your cigarette butts every, please stop! If you do not feel that this is a problem, for Gods sake just don't do it in front of Mindy! As we all know (especially my brother Jason and Flood) no one wants to feel the wrath of Mindy!:):)

Dave said...

I think you misremember my statements regarding my anticipated level of involvement with diaper changing. Never did I go as far as saying I wouldn't change any diapers. I believe I ballparked something like 10% of total diapers as the number I'd be willing to change. If you estimate 10 changes/day, that 70/week. Let's say the kid's at daycare 50 hrs/week, or 30% of the time. That means there will be approx. 49 diapers changed/week that will be done outside of daycare. Thus, if I change 1 out of every 7 of those non-daycare diapers every week, I'll hit my 10% target (7 out of 70). 1 of 7 seems like a reasonable amount to me.

Scalf said...

Good lord...

Maybe I need to get a blog...


cialis said...

In principle, a good happen, support the views of the author