Monday, June 14, 2010

Edwin Turns 2 - A Weekend of SPOILING!!!

Edwin's 2nd birthday was Saturday and it was a great weekend celebration with family! He had so much fun on Saturday...the day started with a visit from AJ and Steve - who brought him way too many gifts and balloons. They stayed and ate lunch with the birthday boy and then he was off to nap before the actual party began around 4pm. Guests included Grandpa Randy, Tiffany, Grandma Ross, Uncle Matt, Aunt Melinda, Madeline, Meredith, Grandma Nikki, and Grandpa Mike. Edwin is one spoiled little boy - too many gifts to list! I just hope he enjoyed the last "holiday" as an ONLY CHILD!!!! Enjoy a few pics from the party and our visit to the Cincinnati Museum Center on Sunday...definitely need to consider getting a pass - Edwin loved that place!



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