Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lyla Betty Ross

Lyla Betty Ross
June 22, 2010, 9:11pm
7 pounds, 11 ounces
21 inches

Dave is holding Lyla and I thought I'd use the calm moment to write a quick blog update about our new little girl...

I arrived to the hospital around 6:30pm. Once we got situated in our labor/delivery room, I was able to get my epidural (8:30pm). You can imagine how surprised the nurse was when she checked me a few minutes after 9 and found that I was completely dilated. Lyla decided to show us who's boss and her heart rate dropped significantly. The next few minutes were FAST and a little SCARY. The dr said I needed to get the baby out in 2 contractions and for me to push as hard as I could. She used a vacuum to help...and with the first contraction, out came her head...and with the next - she was here!!!! The cord was around her neck, so Dave didn't get to cut it this time...but he did get to announce that "IT'S A GIRL!" which was a great moment for me. I couldn't believe it - EDWIN WAS RIGHT!!! He got a sister and I got a little girl!!!! YAY!!!!!

Recovery has been great so far. We are learning the differences between boys/girls. I'm ready to come hopefully tomorrow we'll be discharged and start our new adventure as a family of 4.

We've been asked where her name came from...Dave and I both really like the name Lyla and Betty is after my grandmother, who I hope she'll get a chance to meet soon!

How is Edwin doing? Well - he met Lyla today and wasn't too interested. He was more interested in "fixing" the hospital room - he brought a hammer and screwdriver with him today! He did pause for a minute to hold her hand, touch her toes, and tell me that Baby Lyla will sleep in his old bed. We'll see how he does when we actually bring her home!!!!! I think he's going to be a great older brother!

Finally - special thanks to everyone who helped make this a smooth delivery process. I don't know what I would've done if I would've been nervous about Edwin - but I knew he was and is in good hands while we are here...Drew and Anita - what can I've really helped us during this whole pregnancy and now we will be able to ask you all of the girl information and share all of our boy insights as you get ready to welcome your little one in October! AJ - thanks for coming down and helping with Edwin while we were hard at work getting Lyla here! Grandma Ross - you have already been such a blessing to us and we are so thrilled that you will be staying for a while to help with this transition! Thanks to all of our early visitors - Lyla is ready for the pink explosion to begin...I on the other hand am excited to go shopping for some girl clothes!! haha

More to come...


Laurie said...

Great birth story! Congratulations again! Lyla is gorgeous!!

Duncan Family said...


Joanie said...
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Joanie said...

Congratulations! The name Lyla is beautiful. I know I have only met you once, but I do keep up with your blog (believe it or not) and now know A LOT about your family. I hope you have a great summer and look forward to reading about it.

- Joanie Motylinski

Lyla's Great Aunt Kay said...

Congratulations again. Lyla is as beautiful as her name! Can't wait to meet her in person. She looks so adorable!!! She can trade birth stories with Colson, as he pulled the same thing getting the cord around his neck. Scary, but thank our God that all is well!! Enjoy!