Sunday, March 13, 2011

week in review

Two weeks ago when we visited my dad and Deb, the girls were taken to the aviary while Matt and I bought a wall unit for our basement. Dad took some photos from his camera that I forgot to post! Oops! Madeline had taken her brand new camera to the house, and we got a lot of cute arts and crafts photos. HOWEVER, before I got them off of her camera , Madeline had figured out how to erase all the photos. >:/
This week we had a visitor Monday through Wednesday. Cousin Jill came to stay with us while she shadowed at Madeline's class. The girls just were thrilled to have a sleep over and for it to have occurred during the week!! Oh boy! When Betsy came to pick her up Wed., she even made us a spaghetti dinner for Ash Wednesday. :) YUM! We really put Jill to the test with these 2 toddlers of mine. I even gave her bedtime story duty. :)
We have given up our beer, pop, and chocolate for Lent again this year. We were tempted this weekend as we hosted a poker game at our house. Everybody brought all these different kinds of beer and 2 brought chocolate chip cookies. Man! I made it, but Matt took a cheat day. Weenie!
The girls had a sleep over at Grandma's house during the poker event. They, of course, come home full of stories of what they did while they were there. They were mostly excited that they stayed up really late last night. Yet, they still got up early today (and with the hour lost) . We are giving them a nap today! Their art project last night was making a Leprechaun. Great job girls!! I told Grandma that she was brave to do glitter with these two.

p.s. I have become obsessed with the Twilight movies. Just ask Matt. I was surprised to see that it is a love story, no real gore at all. Not even a single fang in all three movies, and they call this a vampire movie ? Even the werewolves are appealing, like over-sized puppies who occasionally have to rip off a vampire's head. Love these movies!

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