Sunday, March 20, 2011

week in review

Happy St. Patrick's Day week! We had our traditional corned beef and cabbage meal on Thursday. I tried the crockpot this time and it actually turned out pretty good. Matt even had seconds of corned beef.... that is saying alot!!! The girls and I busted out a batch of shamrock shaped sugar cookies on Wednesday night. So irritating, b/c I didn't have all the main ingredients I thought I did. Had to go back out and buy them. I finish up with the cookies and go to make the icing and I don't have powedered sugar. UGH! Matt was traveling home from Michigan and was so kind to go to the store and get me some. Otherwise , all that hard work was for nothing! The girls were so impressed about the leprechaun in school. He flipped over chairs, threw coats on the floor, and even moved a step stool to the toilet to leave green pee. What a naughty leprechaun!
Papa and Deb went to the fish fry on Friday with us. It was soooo crowded that they ran out of baked fish. They got more in, but we had to wait for it and wait for it and wait for it. :) It was delicious though. Deb donated an instrument to us, the bass. The girls are fascinated by it. I need to learn how to play the thing. I can be like Casey from American Idol.

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