Wednesday, March 30, 2011

So, Our House is FOR SALE!!!

So, our house is for sale and I'm stressed beyond belief. I'm trying to keep the house 'show' ready with the 2 kids - scratch that 3 KIDS (Sorry Dave...LOL) and a dog. I buried my Saint Joseph statue last night and I'm hoping for some action. We've had a showing already, which I've been told is good since it just went live on the MLS on Friday...

anyhow, I'm using this as my excuse for the lack of cute picture posts of the kids...I promise I'll get a routine figured out and get back on it soon, especially when winter decides to go away and we can get outside for some fun in the sun! we can't wait!!!

1 comment:

11063492 said...

Mindy I buried a St. Joseph statue too and we had a signed contract within a week!