Friday, March 27, 2009

Week In Review

What a long week it has been. My day at work yesterday ended with 2 very unique, strange (non-dental) scenarios that sucked the life out of me. Man! I am glad I finally have my weekends back. And once again, may I reiterate? It is NOT a good idea to say, "I HATE THE DENTIST", as the FIRST words out of your mouth before I even sit down. Hmm.... apparently this doesn't make a patient worry that I might give them a reason to hate the dentist. hahahahahaha.
Oh and while we are on the topic, I got called Ma'am 3 times yesterday by old men. Who came up with the rule that ma'am is the polite thing to say to a female of any age over 20? A man did obviously. :) I want to be called "Miss" as long as possible. I don't know if that is just me, but ma'am makes me sound oooolllldddd.
Today was swim lessons and the instructor commented on how well Madeline is doing. She started swimming fully outstretched (unlike the fetal position she was demonstrating for weeks). Madeline even jumped off the side with no swimmies on where it was quite deep. She swam her way to the surface. Success!
Matt has commented several times on the subject of drink carriers, so I think I should share this with everyone. He feels that the fast food places should no longer ask or offer to provide drink carriers ... period! The reasoning is based on the numerous cup holders that vehicles these days have. Our van has 6 in the front alone. My position? I hate those things. Who really thinks that those shallow holes are going to hold upright my biggie sized drinks?!? Not me.
As far as American Idol is concerned, it is still one of my favorite shows. I hope it never ends. I loved seeing Ruben last night, but definitely didn't miss the sweat fest. Yuck! I guess I am going to have to be calling in for Matt G . a lot more. America got that way wrong! Megan should have been booted (or Scott). Adam freaked me out without the makeup and hair. I don't like his singing much ,but I enjoyed the "pretty" boy look way better than the young Elvis look.
I don't know if I have ever mentioned it, but Madeline's preschool experience has been awesome. She has a significant creative art portion to her daily classes. I thought I would provide some pictures of the artwork she did to celebrate Easter. I am sure there is more to come as well.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

1. I'm loving the lamb...
2. I will not tell my dentist I hate her ever again - good point!
3. Very curious about your non-work situations that drained the life out of you.
4. I HATE DRINK CARRIERS - they don't even properly hold the cups...they almost always spill or the lid pops off when you try to get your cup out.
5. Can't wait to see Madeline in swimming action!
6. I think Matt should start making "dave-like" posts - his drink carrier topic would've been perfect!