Friday, March 5, 2010

Finally, some sunshine!

We spent yesterday afternoon OUTSIDE!!!!!! Edwin and I are both suffering from cabin fever and the sunshine was begging us to come out and we called our neighbor and enjoyed a front porch chat while the kids played all afternoon. It was WONDERFUL and I can't wait for more warm days...have I mentioned how great our neighbors are???

PS: My new camera shipped yesterday - expected arrival MONDAY...I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!


Melinda said...

how cute are those two?!?
Edwin is looking so grown up. Just wait until you bring the baby home, you will see how old he looks too!

Mindy said...

That is our neighbor Gweneth...she is sooo cute! and Edwin loves her and her little sister Cali (15 months and taller than E)...I need the baby to make me feel like he is actually a BIG BOY in size, not just how he acts! HAHAHAHAHA

Mary Lou said...

This picture is adorable! Love the hat and facial expressions.