Sunday, March 21, 2010


What a great week for Matt to have off from work! Nothing but sunny , warmer weather. On Wednesday, I had a seminar to attend, but I did wear my green in honor of St. Patty's day. They didn't serve us corned beef and cabbage at the banquet place. How rude! Good thing Papa gave me leftovers to eat that night. I had the girls go into school wearing their shamrock headbands. Matt said that everyone was just loving how cute they looked. I tried to complete the night with another Shamrock Shake, but THEY WERE OUT! Man that stunk. :(
Matt's funny story of the week involving the girls takes place at the Austintown Library. He thought that it would be nice to take them for story time. So they arrived and were told to make their Bunny name tag/necklaces while they wait for the program to start. Five minutes went by and the lady instructed them that the program was starting to go into the room. Off they went into the room and indeed the program began with a whopping attendance of 3! *** this includes Matt. HAHA. The woman needed volunteers for certain parts of the story, but the girls were too shy to do it. With no other kids, Matt was trying to do the moves to try to get the girls inspired. I wish I would have seen this. Then another 2 girls came in. Madeline and Meredith found it more interesting to stare at the new kids instead of looking at the poor library lady. They did finally warm up. As they were leaving Madeline informed Matt that the girl behind them was a schoolmate. SHE NEVER EVEN SAID "hello" TO HER!??!

I didn't have to work on Thursday so we decided to head over to the Grove City Outlets. The funny part of that adventure was the fact that it was "WELCOMING CANADIANS" week. There were maple leafs posted in the store windows. Strange!! There were several cars from Ontario that we noticed. I thought I would never notice a Canadian, but then a pair of them walked in front of us and said, "OAT"...really 'out', but they don't say it correctly.

Pretty much we spent every minute outside . The girls were loving the bikes and scooters. Saturday, Papa and Deb made a trip up and helped them with their Easter art project. They even stuck around to go to Fair Park for some playground fun. And to top it off, they suggested we go to SALSITA'S! for an early dinner. The girls were thrilled of course.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

LOVE all that green! I also really like the umbrella picture. Why can't we live closer? E and I want to play...