Monday, March 22, 2010

The New Normal

So any of you that follow Mindy or me on Facebook should be well aware of Edwin's new found sleeping problems. Well, we're happy to say, he's pretty much back to normal. OK, sort of normal.

Naps have been restored. Bed time is back to being a non-event. I can take showers after my 8-9 p.m. runs without him waking. And Mindy and I setting off 100-year-old squeaky floorboards as we make our way to bed each night around 11 musters up nary a whimper from the sleeping little man.

But then there's the morning.

Here's the thing. For those of you that base your opinions of my lifestyle from knowing me in high school or college, this may come as a surprise, but I love mornings these days. I get up sometimes as early as 5:30 a.m. but usually closer to 6. It's me time. I eat breakfast, drink coffee, and either finish up last weekend's Economist or listen to a podcast (usually Adam Carolla). When the weather's nice enough, I'll take the dog on a walk.

I have plenty of time to do all of this because I don't get in the shower until 7. That gives me at least an hour to ease into my day (here's where any perception of me in high school or college doesn't conflict with the current me: I still like to ease into things). Anyway, during the week or so of Edwin's sleep trouble, his average wake-up time move up to around 6 or 6:30 a.m. And there it has stayed. So morning me time has tuned into father & son time.

He could probably use another hour or so of sleep, but Mindy & I suspect he just likes hanging out with me. During his sleep troubles must've gotten used to seeing me before I leave for work. And you know what? I'm OK with it.

We sit on the couch together. Edwin gets milk, and if he requests them, Cheerios in a snack cup. We listen to something on iTunes (no Adam Carolla, not kid appropriate) or watch YouTube clips (today it was this, don't ask me why). When it gets a little warmer, I may even start a morning walk routine with the little guy and the dog.

One of the many lessons I've learned as a young parent is that routines are important. Try to establish them as needed. However, don't get married to them. Whenever you get used to one, your kid will change it. Besides, whatever I get established with Edwin over the next couple weeks and months will sure get altered come late June/early July when another baby is added to the mix.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

really? That clip was so random. I am sure you and Edwin had a good laugh over it. HAHA