Monday, June 7, 2010


Finally the week arrived for Madeline's dance recital. We have been practicing a couple times a day just to make sure she was the star of the show! (and she was!) I was able to get some close photos and video at the dance rehearsal. At the actual recital, it was sooo hot. We were thrilled that Madeline's performance was seventh, so as soon as she was done.... we left! Madeline was AWESOME!!! She didn't miss a beat. *can't say that about the rest of them* She was front and center for a clear reason: Madeline rocks! We can't wait for our DVD of the performance to see how the rest of the girls looked! We were so focused on Madeline we didn't see anybody else dance. :) And like any dancer, Madeline was showered with flowers after her performance. Although, her favorite thing was getting a perfect attendance trophy and first year student medal. So proud!!! She had them with her everywhere we went for a few days, b/c you never know who you'd run in to. HA!

Saturday was a nice mellow day for us. We decided to go buy Toy Story and have a movie night due to the rainy weather. The girls loved it!
Sunday, we attended mass in honor of Edwin Ross a.k.a. Papa Ed. We (including Grandma) took up the offerings to the altar. None of us dropped anything...whew! Afterwards, we headed to Oil City for the graduation party of Jill (from high school) and David (from college). Of course we got to visit with some relatives, eat some food, and play, play, play!
----------p.s. just found out I won the Baking Basket from the Dance Recital raffle !!! WOO HOO!!!

1 comment:

Kari said...

GREAT job Madeline, she looks adorable! And Congrats on the basket winnings! What a Fabulous weekend for the Ross's on such a Crappy weather weekend, Good for you. :)