Monday, November 1, 2010


Did everyone get their Toys R Us toy book for Christmas? Oh the girls were soooo excited to see a book just stuffed with toy ideas! I am disappointed, because I remember when we would get the Sears catalog full of toys . Wow was that exciting! This little "pamphlet" just doesn't seem like much to me. But they both enjoyed circling what they want (after I repeatedly explained that just b/c they circled it doesn't mean they are getting it). After we were done , Madeline requested taking the book and giving it directly to Santa so that he knows EXACTLY what I want. OH my!
In the spirit of Halloween, we were having a scene from the movie THE BIRDS play out in our backyard. It was soooo loud. I was afraid to even step foot outside, but of course I did to get this much needed video. HAHA.

The girls both had their Halloween parties and parades at school this week. Madeline wants to know when Halloween is going to happen again , b/c she enjoyed herself so much. After going over the loot they received, we decided that they didn't have to go trick or treating. YEAH RIGHT! One boy gave each kid a book and a bag of treats!
Saturday we finally got around to carving our pumpkins. The girls each drew on their face and I cut them out. Madeline was upset that I cut the eyes unevenly, but I told her that I cut them how they were drawn. She dropped the subject then. :) At first , Meredith was crying b/c she didn't want to touch the pumpkin guts. She luckily got over it, b/c Daddy won't do it either.
Finally , we made our Halloween cupcakes and pumpkin seeds on Sunday. They both turned out well. Papa came over for dinner and dessert and trick or treating. It was chilly! We went around with Zorro and Peter Pan (Tinkerbell's buddy). One loop of the neighborhood and we were done! Meredith was PETRIFIED of the 2 people dressed like a werewolf. She cried, she kept one eye on them at all times, and she even avoided some houses altogether. Wussy. Where did she get that from? (Click HERE for all of October's photos)

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

Can't believe those birds!