Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Wednesday we celebrated Halloween at our librarytime. Obviously, Amelia and Edwin were the cutest kids there!!! Well, except for Lyla and Oliver - Cassie took a picture of them (their first of many together) and I hope to add it to this post soon...haha

Wednesday night we hosted a Halloween Party for our neighborhood friends. We tried our best to get all of the kids to sit on (around) the couch for a picture - I think there were 17 or 18 kids at our was our best shot:

And tonight we went much fun! Edwin LOVED going from house to house...and kept asking if he could go in the houses. LOL. He got a lot of goodies, but the best came from a man down the street wearing a Steelers shirt. I told Edwin to tell him who his favorite team was and without pausing Edwin shouted the Steelers...with that, the man gave him some extra candy! Edwin was pretty excited about that. I also noticed that the man was wearing Steelers tennis shoes...AWESOME!!! Can you say Christmas present for Dave...hahaha

Edwin enjoying his first piece of Halloween candy - a gummy lollypop...what a mess!

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