Sunday, October 24, 2010


Here it is Sunday again. And again, I hear screaming and yelling coming from the basement. I , however, do not know whether these are cheering screams or mad screams. Am I going to go find out... NO WAY! HAHAHA. Matt's screams are hard to distinguish between emotions. I will just wait until it is halftime for the recap :)
This Wednesday was Madeline's Grandparents' Day program at school. Grandma was able to skip out on school and attend. Madeline was so excited to sing and show Grandma around her classroom. After the program, Grandma took both the girls to lunch and kept them the rest of the afternoon! Meredith and Madeline were so excited to show us their art project from Grandma's house ... Scarecrows!
Note: scarecrows from Grandma Ross, Halloween necklaces from Grandma Audine, candy necklaces from Aunt Mindy
We had a great weekend again that included leaf raking. BOO! The girls actually pitched in and helped. Why? Oh, that's right ; they want to jump in the leaf piles. They ran from one pile to the next. They filled their buckets up with leaves and transported them into other piles. And to top it off, they went down the slide into the biggest pile of them all! Maybe next year they can help even more (and not hit each other in the foreheads with the rake handles)!
After that big excitement we headed to Oil City to meet up with Uncle Mark and Aunt Jeanne. We really enjoyed our visit with them. Lots of food and laughs! Great Grandma Audine and the girls put together a Halloween necklace. What a great project Grandma came up with ! We had many a laugh at the dinner table (hamloaf YUM!) at the expense of dead relatives. :) You know like my mom's foot getting peed on by the former family dog Squirt every Sunday. And my Grandpa Nellis choking on "gag" muffins (low sodium cinnamon rolls). Who knows what would've come up had Uncle Norm been able to come!
Madeline has discovered the fun of rolling down the hill at Betsy's house. She was soooo thrilled by it!

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