Friday, April 9, 2010

28 Weeks

Had my dr appointment on Wednesday. All was great with the baby...heartbeat strong and moving all over the place during my routine belly check. Got word that my glucose test and bloodwork all came back the only issue - LOW BLOOD PRESSURE! Sure, it is normal (especially for me) for blood pressure to run low during pregnancy...but the dr is slightly concerned because I've been having spells of dizziness, cold chills, aches/pains, headaches, etc. Remedy: MORE REST and MORE LIQUIDS. The dr thinks that I'm I will be forcing myself to rest when Edwin does and to drink more liquids...I go back to the dr on April 30...for now - all is great! Below is my 28 week picture from my pregnancy with Edwin and with Baby #2...very similar. I personally think this baby is lower than Edwin and it definitely moves more!!! So, we'll see! Edwin is still requesting a baby sister 99% of the time!

ABOVE: 28 weeks prego with Edwin

ABOVE: 28 weeks prego with Baby #2

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