Sunday, September 11, 2011


BUSY! That is what the Ross Household has been for the past 2 weeks. We hosted many family and friends over Labor Day week. Matt felt the need to create a spreadsheet of who is coming, staying, and leaving when. I guess he wanted to make sure everyone was fed and had a bed. :) Our biggest responsibility was watching Edwin and Lyla! I am pretty secure that stopping at 2 kids was the right idea. HAHA. 4 kids 2 days in a row by myself was tiring! Even though they pretty much entertained themselves, it was still energy wasting. The girls LOVED it ...ALL of it. Even sleeping in the office while Edwin and Lyla got their rooms. The picture is above are "pacifiers" that they made.
I utilized Madeline as a little "mom" for Edwin and Lyla. She was so proud to be the "boss" of the 3 littler kids. I think that Edwin liked it too! He doesn't know any better yet. :) She was in charge of washing the kids off after meals.
We couldn't have been any hotter one of the days. MELTING!! We only lasted an hour ...maybe! Lyla was red cheeked and sweaty. We even tried to cool off with water guns. Only worked a little. We stayed well hydrated with a juicebox (Lyla didn't get one, but was quick to try an EMPTY one out when she got her chance).
Trying to get a foursome shot of the cousins proved nearly impossible. With Megan's leg assist, we were able to get this one. Note how we couldn't get E and L to smile!
Lyla was super thrilled with my cousin Jill and then with Megan (after Jill left). Anytime she was going to be passed from them, she cried!!! It was hysterical.
After everyone left we were missing the noise (NOT!) and excitement, so Nanny provided us with a little. Her car got a flat while at our house so AAA had to come to try to put a spare on (it didn't happen, b/c it was rusted onto the car). They were all talking to the guy while I was inside. Then I noticed that the sky opened up and started to pour buckets!! They escaped to under the tree, but they were still getting wet so the girls ran to the garage. They recovered all their umbrellas and returned to Nanny. I, of course, stayed indoors and took pictures. HAHA.
And finally, school has begun! Madeline loves first grade more than Kindergarten she says.
And Meredith is so excited that her best friend LUCIA is in her class this year again!!!
I had to post a picture of them as I am sure you are interested in who this Lucia is. If you want to see all of September's photos up till now click HERE.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

so many great pics...thanks doesn't even begin to cover it...