Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Financial Panic of 2008

A one man show by Edwin Randall Ross.

Act I: Shock

"How many record Dow drops can there be?"

Act II: Investigation


"Eh, what happened now?"

Act III: Acknowledgement

"Ouch.  I realize I've only had 2 months of formal education, but from what I understand, this is not good."

Act IV: Sadness

"Trillions in wealth vanished into thin air!"

Act V: Despair

"Unemployment figures not seen in years!"

Act VI: Anger

"One bailout after another! Moral hazards everywhere!"

Act VII: Indifference

"Oh well, at least my money's all in cash since my parents have been too lazy to start a 529."


Anonymous said...

This photo shoot shows a completely different side of him!

Tamara Schwarting said...

Loved this post. Great use of the "extra" photos.