Friday, April 24, 2009


Finally some weather where we can be outdoors! We actually had hail/snow this week. Ohio weather at its best. The thunderstorm this morning rattled the windows and awoke Meredith at 6 am. Boo! This is my day off and I am up earlier than a work day?!? Something isn't right here.
We have acquired a goose couple living in our backyard around the pond. They come about halfway up the yard , not welcome mind you. The poop is disgusting ! I sneaked up on the couple and took some video. They actually talked to each other and then flew away!
We celebrated Matt's 33rd birthday on Tuesday. His request was buttercream icing. I insisted that just a bowl of icing wasn't really appropriate to put a candle into it. I doubled the recipe and made a butter (yellow) cake. It was quite tasty, but not the healthiest thing in the world. We had a great dinner at the Blue Wolf except one thing. We were sat in front of the fireplace which has a wolf on it. Meredith's back was facing it (rather close I suppose), and thus bothered her that the dog was there. When we were leaving , I had to put her on the ground to get my coat off, and she screamed , "PICK ME UP!". She actually gripped me so hard that I needed no arms to hold her. So dramatic.
Since we've been outside, I decided to snap some pictures of everything blooming. The girls are obsessed with this one solitaire pansy and all the nasty dandelions that invaded my flower bed. Sure they're pretty now, but those white fluffs are disaster for yards and allergies.
And as far as American Idol goes, I am sad to see Anoop go. He wasn't going to win, but I was hoping that he could outlast at least Allison. She has so much potential, but totally lame song choices. I guess my full support can go to Kris Allen now. :)


Dave said...

was this butt-shakin' sans music?

Mary Lou said...

I think Meredith just started it in excitement over the whole birthday thing and Madeline joined in--M & M can correct me if I mis-remember!!!

Melinda said...

it's true. When meredith gets excited,her newest technique is to shake her bum

PAPA said...

I do not think it is a good idea to have my grandaughters shaking thier "BOOTIE" at such a young age. What are you teaching them!!!!!!!!!

Melinda said...

must be all that beyonce watching. HAHA