Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What’s new with me

So I got your standard variety fall/winter cold a few weeks back. No big thing: coughing, sneezing, runny nose for a week or so. But then the cough didn’t go away. Couldn’t make it through the night with having a 8-10 minute coughing session. Got banished to the couch so the rest of the fam could actually get some sleep.

I realize (read: Mindy tells me) that it’s time to see a doctor. Bronchitis. Ouch. Apparently, viral infections have the tendency to swoop in for 7-10 days then leave bronchitis in their wake. So with the help of a slow-acting steroid inhaler, I was back from the couch a few days later.

During this 3-week minor ordeal my attention to nutrition & exercise really went off the rails. For some reason I only craved red meat & carbs. A bad combo. And of course my bronchitis-weakened lungs weren’t up to exercising. This was unfortunate because I was halfway into my 10-K training program when I got sick. I’ll be missing tomorrow’s 100th annual Thanksgiving Day Race.

Tonight was my first day at the gym for an extremely long time. And I’m finally getting back into the healthy eating swing of things. I know, just in time for Thanksgiving—healthy eating should be easy. Wish me luck.

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