Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Thought from the Couch

While sitting at home on the couch on a random Wednesday afternoon recently, a question occurred to me.

(Wednesday afternoon, you ask. We're having some emergency house repairs done. Everything OK, you ask. No, we've been getting the runaround from various contractors & are on our 4th day without hot water. Not to worry, The Ross Experience reader, we hope to have the situation resolved in a few days. Full blogs on this topic to come upon resolution. In the meantime we've been enjoying our European-style showers; i.e. less often & using the procedure: 1- 60 seconds of water, 2- soaping up with the water off, 3- another 60 seconds of water.)

Anyway, back to my question. Right now are there law students (current or future) choosing the legal profession for the sole purpose of hosting a syndicated court show?

P.S.: Just saw the SYTYCD finale as I typed this, and my guy, Twitch, lost out to Mindy's guy, Joshua.

P.P.S.: Mindy expressed concern as to what will she watch on TV now that her favorite show is done for the season. The obvious answer is the baseball pennant races followed by the postseason. For some reason when I told her as much, she didn't think it was that obvious.


Mersmann said...

That's why I went to law school.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Joshua, my favorite, too!

Dave said...

Thanks, Eric. Let us know when your show goes into development.