Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Edwin 13 Months Old

Okay - I have to be honest...I completely forgot to take a picture of Edwin on his actual 13 month birthday (July 12th), so this is a few days late...but I'm counting it...

A lot has happened since Edwin's birthay.

First...he is walking!!!! He still can't stand up on his own, but I'm sure that won't be to much longer. Here is the first decent video I've been able to capture of his new skills!

Second...he has 3 more teeth - so the teeth count is now at 11. I had no idea until he was crying and had his mouth opened so wide that I saw them...good thing Dave's been brushing those chompers...they are looking great!!! He is using all of those new teeth to eat all sorts of new foods. He loves raw green/red peppers and zucchini...and of course his normal snacks.

Third...he doesn't use a pacifier anymore. We went cold turkey last Tuesday. So, it has been 1 week - a rough one...but I think we're out of the danger zone. He still is having a hard time with naps, but he's managing.

Finally...he is talking all of the time. I don't know if anyone else can understand it, but I know I've heard him say: dada, mama, dog, apple, ba-nan-na, ball, and o's. He LOVES reading his books. Here is a video of him reading - he loves black cats, just like Dave!!!


Mary Lou said...

Too cute--glad he likes healthy snacks.

Dave said...

UPDATE: Edwin has a successful 45-min childcare session (i.e. no one stopping me in mid back extension to come get my screaming child) at the gym tonight!

Jen said...

way to go little E! Can't wait to see you walking in person..Reese can't wait either :)

Melinda said...

The walking is great! THe loving food is even better!