Friday, February 19, 2010


So, Edwin's Big Boy Potty arrived yesterday. He's been so curious about the happenings of the bathroom that I decided it couldn't hurt to start teaching him about the potty. We've been working on bathroom words/phrases (sink, wash hands, towells, tissue, rug, potty, pee, poop, etc.) and he's really interested in what mama and dada do in

Today, he was sitting on it with his clothes on like normal. I've read that you shouldn't rush boys into pottying before they are ready so I've just been letting him sit on it with his clothes on to get used to it being HIS chair. I told him we were done and turned out the light - he demanded the light to be turned back on. I told him I would turn it on, but he had to take his pants off to sit on the potty...and he agreed. He sat back down with just his diaper. After a few minutes, I turned the light back off...he demanded for it to be turned back on...I told him I would, but if he wanted to go back on the potty, he had to take his diaper off like a big boy. He agreed. So, he sat back down with no diaper. A few more minutes passed and I continued to explain that big boys pee and poop on the potty like mama and dada do on their potty. He just shook his head yes - serious, as usual. After a few minutes I told him we needed to get a new diaper on and try again later...he said no...I told him that big boys pee on the potty and he walked over (standing in front of the toilet) and peed...INTO THE POTTY!!!!!!!!!!! I was soooo excited that I started praising him before he was done and his potty started playing music when the pee hit the sensor...both of which made him lose his focus and turn - pee on the floor...oops....oh well! IT WAS GREAT!!! I don't have a baby least not until Baby Ross #2 makes its debut!!!!


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