Monday, February 8, 2010


The girls had their yearly physicals this week. Meredith escaped with no shots, but Madeline had to have one. It is only fair since she was kidding Meredith all day about getting a shot. HA! Both the girls' stats came out to be tall and thin. Ok, so it is proven that they are indeed our children. (as if there was any doubt). :) More interesting to me, was the doctor thinks that Meredith is doing well in her speaking. She is not at all concerned that she is hard to understand at times. Whew. Other than that, this week has been focused on the approaching blizzard. We didn't even have a "watch" , but an advisory. Of course, when it started to dump on us it quickly became a warning. Officially they said Canfield had between 16-24". Matt thinks we got 18 ". We couldn't open the garage door, so Matt shoveled his way from the front door to dig out the garage door. With a combination of shoveling and snow blowing, Matt was able to clear the driveway in about 5 to 6 hours. MAN! It was ,however, a disappointment that it wasn't packing snow. We still haven't made a snow man this season.
After digging ourselves out, we were able to celebrate the Super Bowl with some appetizers for dinner with Grandma. The girls have been looking forward to it since mid week. Food really impresses them :) The actual football game was uninteresting to the girls, so they danced and sang instead. Of course, we bribed them with the cupcakes they picked out keeping them quiet during the commercials.
Speaking of commercials, I thought that they stunk big time. The clear front-runner was the Polamalu ad. A little creepy, but really funny!! The Stevie Wonder ad was a close second.

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