Monday, September 27, 2010

Pat on My Back

Today we had to go in for part one (of three) of Lyla's first diaper study. For our readers who don't know, I have signed both kids up to participate in P&G diaper studies. Edwin has been doing approximately 1 study per month and it has been great extra money - in the form of gift cards to our local grocery store. Definitely helps our budget.

Anyhow, back to today's story. We get there and sign in. I look around and notice that all of the other moms have their kids strapped into strollers or they are running around like kids on sugar highs...Edwin on the other hand...he walks in, promptly introduces himself to the crazies and asks "mama, help me sit in this chair, please!" All of the other moms looked at me in disbelief. They were all asking how old he is...and I responded that he turned 2 in June. He was the youngest of the big kids at the facility and was talking circles around them. So polite. I was soooo proud. And that was all in the waiting room.

When we got called back to the test room, they had a table set up with several toys and a shelf full of books. I had to fill out some paperwork for Lyla and me and Edwin asked "mama, can I play, please?" I of course said sure...just be nice and remember to share. He walks over to the table and again introduces himself "hi, i'm edwin!" The staff was shocked and started asking his age again. They all complimented him and me on his speaking ability. He continued to play until I was done with the test. Then he asked "mama, can we read one book please?" I almost melted...of course! So, we read a book all together and he made sure we showed Lyla each picture and then I told him it was time to leave and we'd come back tomorrow for part two of the test. He put all of the toys away and went to the door. As we were leaving, he turns around, waves and says "See you tomorrow everybody!"

So, on the way home I couldn't help but to pat myself on the back. If Dave would've been with us, I would've patted him too. We are great parents...sometimes it is nice to take a minute and remember that!!!

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

"That's my grandson!" Small, but mighty! (I just had to say it.)