Sunday, September 12, 2010

Practice in the Rain

A couple girlfriends and I went to a huge sale yesterday - called the Mother's Exchange. It was held at a local high school and was a bit overwhelming! There were 100+ moms selling stuff...kind of like a gigantic yard sale...Everything was organized by boy/girl and by size...then there were separate sections for toys/accessories/etc. We were there for 2 hours...but I could've been there all day as there was so much to dig through. So glad I left both kids at home with Dave - seeing other moms trying to look for items and manage their kids was insane. So, my best find was the kid's Halloween costumes...Edwin has been requesting to be a fireman and I found the below adorable fireman smock for $1!!!! I found the black boots, which will also be great for this winter (and rain apparently) for $4. So, the only thing left to get is a fireman hat...cheapest costume yet for E!!!! YAY!!!! And - by the pictures, you can tell how pumped he is...Mama was his hero for finding what he's been asking for!!!! Of course, we had to practice wearing the costume and play in some puddles as soon as I got home...

And what is Lyla going to be? My next best purchase - a dalmation dog (to go with E's fireman theme) for $1!!!!! Can't wait to get some pics of them together!!!! Lyla has an eye infections so she wasn't in the mood to practice wearing to come!


Mary Lou said...

Adorable--I love the one with him beside the fire hydrant!

Melanie said...

hey mindy! edwin's fireman costume is adorable. we have a fire hat if you want to borrow it. it's nothing too great....from the dollar bins at target. but if you need it, it's yours!