Monday, September 6, 2010


It's FAIR TIME!!!! We worked hard all week long knowing that we would be overstuffed slobs this weekend. :) Friday began with Hotel Ross open for customers. Our first visitors were Aunt Megan and Uncle Chris. The girls (esp. Meredith) loved teasing Chris. Meredith went out of her way to make sure to say 'hello' and keep him updated on all her activities. Too funny! Saturday morning we got to spend lots of time with them. It was chilly, but that didn't keep us from having fun at the Fair . Our next hotel customers were Papa and Deb. Papa had to use his crafty ideas to get a broken light bulb out of our ceiling fan. A potato! He demonstrated just how easy it was to get it out. Thank goodness he is full of words of wisdom; otherwise, we might have zapped ourselves trying to get that darn thing out. And finally, (not staying with us) my dental school friends (Jody, Matt, Kate, and Liz) arrived to head over to the Fair. It was perfect weather for riding rides and stuffing our faces. We couldn't have asked for more. The girls did such a good job getting on and off the rides without our help. We joked how we warn the kids of strangers and never go with anybody you don't know. And then the Fair rolls around and we hand off our kids to the most questionable "carnies" entrusting them to make sure our kid doesn't fall out of the seat. Hmm... something doesn't seem right here :)On Sunday, we had a picnic with Betsy, Dave, David, Jill (&Tyler), and Great Grandma Audine. Not that we didn't have enough food or anything, but half of the guests went to the Fair for lunch. We ended the evening with cornhole games. Matt was the overall winner. Jill was the worst point keeper. HAHA. Betsy liked to throw wild shots... beware if you play on the other side! Today we ended our holiday weekend with Grandma at the Fair. One last trip around the animals. One last cinnamon roll in my belly. Did I mention the cinnamon rolls?!? AWESOME!!! I will never miss that booth again at the Fair.

Here are some shots from the Fair.

Madeline wanted to touch the baby duck, but when she got close she did the eek! move. **note--She would've dropped the duck to the floor and essentially to its death from feet stamping. The lesson here : Never give Madeline a live animal in her hands**CORN DOG COMA



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