Thursday, July 3, 2008

Learning to be a Mom!

Everyone warned me that being a mom is the hardest job that exists...and although I believed them, I must say I didn't truly understand what that meant until now. Edwin is the most demanding boss I've ever had!

Nursing is extremely difficult. It is one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had, but one of the most frustrating. It is hard being the only person who can feed Edwin 24-7. The complete exhaustion is getting new "normal" is becoming a reality.

Edwin has slept in his crib for the past 2 nights. Although it is hard to not have him in the room with me (he was sleeping in a bassinet)...I'm finally able to get some sleep. He's sleeping for 3 to 3-1/2 hours at a time...My mom got us our video monitor and we are so thankful for it. It is so nice to wake up and be able to check him from the comfort of my bed.

As for my recovery, I'm pretty much back to normal. For the sake of our readers who are squeamish, I won't share the details of recovering from delivery - but I will say that everything people warned me about is true. I had a relatively easy labor/delivery...and I still needed a few weeks to get back to feeling good. Next week I'm starting weight watchers. I'm starting the long journey of losing the pregnancy weight. In preparation for pregnancy, I had lost a lot of weight and now I'll be working to get it all back off.

I learn more about Edwin and he learns more about me each day...eventually we'll have a system and the organized/industrious/detail-oriented Mindy simply cannot wait!


Anonymous said...

Mindy, Nursing IS hard work!! It doesn't seem right that something so natural is so hard. It will get easier once everything is established well, but it takes forever (it seems) to get there.

Just a word of caution, dieting while nursing lessens supply, you may want to check with a lactation consultant or nutritionist or OB before you do WW. And for most women (except me) nursing alone drops the pounds quickly. Make sure you drink plenty of liquids!!

Good luck! Can't wait to see more pics of Edwin!

Anonymous said...

This picture completely represents how I feel 5 minutes after putting the M&Ms to bed. All of the sudden you have a kid and become an ol' fart stuck on a couch ready for bed at 8pm. HA! You guys are definitely doing great!! We loved our visit and can't wait for the christening .