Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ordinary Experiences...Entry #1...Dr. Appointments

Blogging doesn't come easy for me...I don't really know what to write about. I know what you're thinking - the topics are endless...but that is exactly why it is so hard. Recently, I was talking to my girlfriends and asking their advice. They suggested that I write about my ordinary, here goes nothing...I hope you enjoy...

Dr. Appointments
Today I had my 7-week postpartum visit. No worries - I'm completely recovered from Edwin's delivery. However, I wanted to comment on the amount of wasted time spent waiting to be seen by the doctor. My appointment was scheduled for 1:10pm and I didn't get called back until 2:10pm. I spent that entire hour watching medical updates on one TV and soaps on the other, listening to three young boys complain about being thirsty, browsing multiple magazines that I have absolutely no interest in, sending text messages, pacing, etc. The most frustrating part - once I got called back, my appointment took 20 minutes. Unbelievable! I'm thankful to our neighbor (Shenna) for watching Edwin. Don't think he would've made the wait!


Anonymous said...

i hate that! next time take Edwin and let him have a good 'ole melt down in the waiting room...maybe they will move quicker!
Glad you are doing well! We need to plan a visit soon..maybe next week sometime

Tamara Schwarting said...

Here's the link to the book I mentioned on Monday.

The library might also have a copy.


Mindy said...

Jen - great thought...I might have to do that next time...and they will learn their lesson! Give us a call...let's get together soon!