Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Purchase Regretted

Now with another mouth to feed, we're trying to exercise a little more restraint on our spending. One of my contributions to this initiative is buying cheaper 6-packs. Last night I passed over Oberon on sale for $8.99 (usually $9.99) and tried something different: Leinenkugels Berry Weiss.

It was only $5.99; so I figured it'd be a good deal. I drank my first bottle with dinner. At that point its strange taste was overshadowed by the amazing chicken pot pie I was enjoying (the last in a series of dinners that 4 of our generous neighbors organized to ease the burden of our post-delivery life). Halfway into my 2nd bottle, I realized the beer I was drinking was nearly indistinguishable from fruit juice. I threw that half-drunk bottle away and focused my attention on Edwin trying out his play mat.

Not yet having learned my lesson, later in the evening I took a few sips from a 3rd bottle. That was the point that I announced to Mindy that it was the worst beer I have ever tasted and threw that one away as well.

Our refrigerator, not being at capacity at the moment, leaves me room to save the last 3 bottles indefinitely; probably until our next major grocery run. Realizing this post hasn't been the greatest sales pitch, I invite you, The Ross Experience reader, to stop by the house and try a bottle (or 3).

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