Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am sad to say that my camera deleted every picture from this past weekend. Yes, all my photos of family and friends from Madeline's birthday party... gone. I am in the process of trying to recover them, but no success thus far. Mary Lou has taken some photos which I am thrilled to provide here.
Madeline had a fantastic Cinderella birthday party. She had a light up princess crown which made her so proud! Meredith was a bit under the weather b/c of a cold, but still had a blast with her cousins. Those kids played and played and played. How fun for them. I avoided the basement b/c I knew that I would have to stay down there and clean up as they made a mess. What is wrong with me ?!?
Aunt Mindy, Uncle Dave, and Edwin came up for the festivities. It is clear that Edwin is able to pretty much keep up with the girls now. We had some bumping of the head issues, but overall , I think he survived. We joked that he needs to wear a helmet while in the house. HAHA.
Mindy and I even had a chance to go shopping by ourselves. WOW!! I tried to spend my gift certificates at the mall. I did fairly well. Now I need to use the rest of them on a new camera that doesn't so rudely freeze up and then delete everything. >:\
On Monday , Madeline was taken to school by Grandma for Muffins with Mom. I couldn't take off work, so Grandma was the next best thing . And today, Madeline turned 5 officially. Nanny Karen came to babysit and brought her gifts for Madeline with her. More presents ! For dinner, she selected Salsita's. YUM! We came back to the house for more presents and cookies. Tomorrow , Madeline takes in cupcakes to her preschool class in honor of her birthday. So how many days can we celebrate one birthday?

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

Glad I was able to be of service.