Sunday, January 31, 2010


We have purchased a new SLR camera. YAY!! Wow, what an investment that turned out to be. I won't be needing any gifts in a while :) I am still learning the ins and outs of this can be complicated, can be easy device. It took me a 1/2 hr or more just to figure out which software to use for photo editing. Man! I need Mindy here to give me a tutorial, I think! I am including some of my photos, but you will notice that I have yet to master focusing. This week began with Muffins with Mom (or Grandma) and ended with Donuts with Dad. Matt and Madeline had to sit in the itty bitty tables (there were only 2, and they got stuck with them). And the pair they sat with was the boy who doesn't talk who has a foreign grandfather you couldn't understand. HAHA. Oh the sacrifices we make. Look on the bright side , Matt, you had the day off from work for this! We also signed Madeline up for all day Kindergarten at the same school ... and ... Meredith is officially signed up for 3 year old preschool. I hope she improves her speech by then.The girls have been just busy with all the new toys from Christmas and Birthdays. They especially are fond of the dollhouse that Dottie and Mark passed along to us. What an imagination these two have. Also from Dottie, the zhu zhu hamsters are always running around the ground. Yikes! They are quite realistic. The stores are finally carrying the accessories so I bought the girls the hamster balls for them to run inside. The girls chose to wear them as hats in the above photo. Meredith has been in the mood for screaming or screeching whenever she doesn't get her way. WOW!! It is sooo loud. I caught it in action with my new camera !


Mary Lou said...

Great pictures--I'm sure you'll have it mastered in no time!

Mindy said...

Love the detail in the new pics!!! Can't wait to see more!!!