Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Last Nice Day

Thursday. 2:46pm. Sitting in the office. says it'll still be around 70 degrees at 6; tomorrow colder and rainy; the weekend will be worse. Based on my run after work yesterday, we won't have much daylight past 6-6:15. Email Mindy, "let's get outta here on time tonight and take a family walk."

4:59 becomes 5:00. I make a beeline to the car, Mindy to Childtime. I meet her and Edwin outside on Walnut just north of 3rd around twenty minutes later. We pull up to the house before 5:30. I run into the house and change out of my suit into something better for walking. I put Sedona on her leash, and I'm out the door.

Perfect: we're starting our walk and it's not even 5:40 yet. We get about 25 minutes of daylight, and finish up the last 5 minutes or so surrounding by the dusky glow. Nothing special, just 30 minutes for mom, dad, baby and dog to say hi to the neighbor kids, check out which for sale signs have gone up or come down, and forget about the stresses of the workday.

For those of you in the Midwest and Midwest-near, hopefully you were able to enjoy this last nice day as much as the Rosses of Kentucky did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this past week has been beautiful and great for the schoolkids, too--they got to run around outside at recess coatless and thus were more settled down for their teachers!