Friday, May 15, 2009


We were so excited to have family come visit us this weekend. The girls just go nuts over visitors. Saturday I had to work in the morning (agreed to cover before knowing all the events that would occur). After I arrived home from work, Leanna's brunch transformed into lunch. Man was I hungry , and that food hit the spot :) The girls got to play with the "boys". Well, they played and the boys crawled , sat, rolled, etc. Jackson probably was overwhelmed with all the activity. Edwin found a new talent of crawling up and down a step, actually just mastered going up. Madeline and Meredith also found climbing up and down steps to be a load of fun. Leanna had a double sided staircase which they adored.
Later that day we had more family arrive (Papa, Deb, Dottie, Mark, Sarah, and Great Grandma). As Mindy said, Matt did a great job grillin' for us. Very tasty. We sang happy birthday to Grandma since we never completed that on the actual day. Sarah played with Madeline and Meredith all night. They loved it. We even found a meal that Sarah would eat. It was the first time EVER that she actually liked something we had.

On Sunday, we celebrated Mother's Day at a buffet catered by Blue Wolf. It was delicious!!! I am still wanting to go back for more chicken alouette. YUM!! That evening Matt again grilled for us and once again tasty. We gave Grandma her birthday and Mother's day gifts. We all went together to give her a new camera. Hers was soooo slow that she rarely got the shot. We were so excited and of course that damn thing doesn't work! Are you and electronics cursed , Mary Lou? We quickly exchanged it and will be giving over the new, working camera tonight. Matt and I are actually going to the movies (Star Trek). The last movie we went to was Superman Returns. Now that is pathetic.
I have finally hung my mother's day gifts, hanging baskets. They are so pretty. Now the daily watering begins. Can someone install a hose system that will do it for me?
On Wednesday, my dad finally sold his house in Canfield. After many money pit fixes, it is now officially off his hands and pocketbook. As he said, there were many great memories that took place at that house. I will always enjoy those. No more "prom mulch". Of course , I could start that up for our girls. HAHA.
I will also mention that Matt has been working to change his diet/lifestyle. We are all proud of him!! Maybe he will post how things are going?!? HINT HINT.

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