Friday, May 22, 2009


What a week it has been!! I finally got around to weeding my flower bed. Weeding is an understatement. The pictures demonstrate the jungle I had growing there!! Madeline and Meredith were excited to "help". Dirty gloves and mommy's shirt were frequent connections. Got to love kids! We also planted many flowers after we cleaned it all up. The girls are in charge of watering them each night. Who knew they would like that job.
Then one night we discovered we have yet another bird family visiting our backyard. This time it is a bunch of ducks. They waddled from left to right, back to left. It was hilarious. Madeline wouldn't step off the driveway b/c she was scared. Matt and Meredith went chasing after them. So funny. Yesterday, Madeline had her "year in review" program reliving all the songs that she had learned throughout the school year. It was so cute. The one kid in front of Madeline stood and yawned and scratched his head the whole time...NO SINGING!! Madeline's allergies were terrible and she spent most of the "down time" wiping it. Yuck!
Today was the last swim lesson day for the summer. YES YES YES. It was hotter than ever. We had the sliding glass door open and then 10 minutes before the end, a nun walked through. She scolded us for having it open when they don't have a screen door. "The bugs are getting in". I have been there for 18 weeks. I have NEVER seen a bug come in there. After she left, a father re-opened it, but we both agreed that we are still secretly afraid of her. (having flashbacks from grade school)
We will be seeing many people this weekend! I am off to Elton John/Billy Joel concert tomorrow. YAY!!

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