Saturday, January 17, 2009

Speaking of Listerine!

Since Dave brought it up, I am awaiting a flood of questions from patients on Monday regarding the Listerine study from Australia claiming the risk of oral cancer increases with Listerine use. It is based on its alcohol content and how it affects the soft tissue in your mouth. This is only one study, so there is no direct evidence to warrant Listerine to be taken off the shelves and to become prescription only. In many instances , researchers have linked Listerine to a lowering of cancers among other benefits. So, until the ADA comes out with a statement on Listerine's negative effects, I will continue to support its use. On a personal note, I prefer Crest ProHealth's taste and lack of burning. ;)


Dave said...

I prefer Listerine specifically because of its burn. Mouthwash w/o the burn leaves my mouth feeling unclean.

Melinda said...

the orange colored one is the worst!! I struggle to keep it in there for 30 seconds. And yes it does make you feel quite refreshed!!

Dave said...

can't beat the green one...fresh burst or cool mint, can't remember...though i can't help but think that if i were to get pulled over in the morning, the stuff may cause me to blow over .08