Thursday, January 1, 2009

Introducing Melinda Ross

Exciting news here at The Ross Experience!

We decided that 2 contributing Rosses to this blog just weren't enough for 2009, so with the new year comes a new Ross here at The Experience: Melinda Ross.

Melinda is our sister-in-law and should bring unique perspectives to this blog.  So far here are some differences (that we can think of) potentially leading to those perspectives:
  1. 2 daughters (as opposed to 1 son)
  2. PA-born, current OH residence (as opposed to OH-born, current KY residence)
  3. private undergrad education (as opposed to public undergrad education)
  4. graduate degree (as opposed to "we'll see")
  5. no pets (as opposed to 1 dog)
  6. works as a dentist (as opposed to occasionally buys dental bones for that 1 dog)
  7. soon-to-be-finished basement (as opposed to never-to-be-finished basement)
  8. overcame Steelers-Cowboys mixed-marriage issues (as opposed to longer-than-anticipated de-Bengalization process)
We're sure that there are more, but that's all we've got for now.

Please welcome Melinda and look for her posts in 2009!


Anonymous said...

"MERLINDA" will be thinking about what her first post will include :)

Dave said...

sorry...thx for the catch...will change!

Anonymous said...

i agree your idea ! very nice blog